The Foundation (or FREE) is at the financial and governance core of the Northern Sierra Project (NSP) solution.
FREE can launch bake-scale small, and grow into a large-scale charitable asset-holding foundation. The FREE-GWesCo structure, introduced in the prototype Beckwourth Solution of the Northern Sierra Project, delivers a launch plan for the healthy forests communities.
FREE enables and asks Help.
FREE uses a local-element structure (e.g., FREE Plumas-Sierra, FREE Feather-Yuba, FREE Richmond) which integrates into aggregated systems (e.g., FREE California-Nevada). All elements are scalable and replicable.
FREE holds a controlling interest in a shared-services operating company(e.g., Golden Western Company, GWesCo ).
FREE holds stewardship contracts to manage public and private forest land, requiring management to specified goals, entitling FREE to values produced. "Optimize net present value carbon balance = net PV expected GHG Emissions Avoided + CO2 Sequestered + ... - GHG Emissions not elsewhere calculated."
The Northern Sierra Project prototype allows comparison of the benefits and costs of alternative assignment and calculation of carbon balances, and development of appropriate tradable carbon-price-sensitive financial instruments associated with forest management activities.
In at least the Prototype, GWesCo has an advisory business which supports political, policy, financial and technical activities as part of its management of FREE's stewardship activities.
FREE's governing board acts as the organized voice for the health and resilience of the forests, meadows, and other systems of its environmental-renewal voice. This primary objective of the Foundation drives the business choices of the various elements of the GWesCo business. "The forests own the mill" expresses the spirit of the solution. FREE takes on the mission of the Lorax, it speaks for the trees, "for the trees have no tongues." GWesCo implements the needs of the trees, and the rest of the forests communities.
The education component of the FREE mission implements FREE's duties and contributions to the future of the human communities. At maturity the FREE-GWesCo assets deliver resources for ongoing maintenance and growth of the forests and other environmental elements of the system, and support for the educational systems of the human communities that are part of the forests ecosystem.
In the prototype Beckwourth Solution, GWesCo-Richmond participates in renewable hydrocarbon processing activities on the site of the existing fossil fuel facilities. Similar processes are involved. FREE-Richmond direction of GWesCo-Richmond activities directly address the long-standing environmental justice challenges of the old fossil industry. FREE-Richmond, with its partners in FREE-EastBay and/or similar groups, with its shares in the ownership of the larger FREE-GWesCo structure, is part of a politically feasible solution resolution to the economic injustices that current and future generations inherit from the past.
A downstream beneficiary, and therefore natural partner, in the Beckwourth Solution are the communities at the bottom of the Truckee watershed, towns such as Fernley and Nixon, the organized people of the land around Pyramid Lake, the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe , their neighbors and kin in the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony Partners within the Northern Sierra Project footprint include many communities of the forests people who lived here before; the people of the Greenville, Susanville, and Nevada City Rancherias, people called Nisenan, Maidu, Washoe, Paiute and other names, are essential full partners in the forest stewardship of the Solution, Project, and the full forests communities health program. The examples provided by the ancestors of these members of our communities drive and inspire activities today and into the future.
The Beckwourth Solution design and implementation celebrates the work of Pathfinder James Beckwourth, a hero of African-American ancestry, member of the people called Crow, and friend of many people who were here before and who came later. It also redresses inequities visited on the descendants of Beckwourth's people.
The mechanisms of such integration of various communities, in Richmond and Nixon as in Loyalton, Portola, Quincy, Oroville and Marysville, local FREE organizations, is the work of these communities, supported through the FREE/GWesCo structure.
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