Plumas County Supervisor District One Candidate Statement

Jason Christian for Supervisor, 
 Plumas County District One

I was born Loyalton, live in Portola, and am a lifelong member of the Plumas-Sierra business community.

I am an economist. I graduated from Berkeley with high honors in the Political Economy of Industrial Societies and Economics. My M.Sc. in Economics from the London School of Economics, and Ph.D. from George Washington University, are in the economics of technology.

I worked in science policy at the OECD in Paris and the National Science Foundation in Washington. I taught in the Business School of Quebec’s Laval University. I researched agricultural marketing, policy, and strategy in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at UC Davis. I have been General Manager of Salmon Lake Lodge, and wrote fpr the Quincy Library Group.

I joined the energy industry in 1998 as Principal Economist for the California Independent System Operator. I worked for a succession of consulting firms in power system planning and risk management, work that took me around the world.

Since 2012 I have worked for the health of the forests communities of our region. I serve on the Board of Plumas Corporation.

May I well serve our community as Plumas County Supervisor.

May I well serve our towns.
