Dear Jan,
Hat Creek Construction proposes to develop an industrial gravel mine and asphalt plant on its property on the north side of Portola.
You have pictures and videos I have taken of test holes that Hat Creek Construction has bored on the property. Please use my pictures as you see fit.
I am a neighbor of the property. Like almost every other property owner in Portola, I am likely to experience a loss of my own property value if the project proceeds as proposed. I oppose it for that and other reasons.
It is a responsibility of the opponents of a project to advance alternatives, and to seek solutions that account for the interests of all parties. A number of paths are available, involving applications of the land-conservancy approach.
Much of the property today is in mixed forest, including oak, cedar, ponderosa pine, white fir, and douglas fir. It has been actively managed under California forestry regulations, with logging in the late 1980s. This part of the property extends from Lake Davis Road across the northern edge of the Portola street system, and makes up the upper watersheds of the seasonal creeks that flow into Portola, including those that cross Highway 70 at Dollards Sierra Market. This land has been well cared for. The logging has enhanced the many values of this forest. A satisfactory solution to the situation will carry on and advance the practice of responsible forest stewardship.
Hat Creek Construction purchased the property from members of the Carmichael family. Hat Creek's purchase allowed these long-time members of our community to pursue their lives as they see fit. Hat Creek delivered value to these neighbors, and so to the rest of the community. Hat Creek deserves respect for taking a chance on investing in our community. We can demonstrate this respect by working with Hat Creek to develop a solution that allows Hat Creek a satisfactory return on its investment.
The Opposition to Hat Creek's Mine and Plant proposal is led by Warren and Valari Simison, whose property is immediately adjacent to the mine boundary. Val leads the search for alternatives to Hat Creek's proposal. Communication between Hat Creek and Val, for the Mine Opposition, can lead to outcomes that all parties prefer.
I am a proponent of one such solution, which can serve as a starting point for the needed work. I ask both Hat Creek and the Mine Opposition to work together to develop a solution that delivers good values to Hat Creek and to the many other parties, local and out-of-area, with interests in this wonderful piece of land.
Jason Christian, Ph.D.
Portola, California
This is a letter to Jan Buck, editor and publisher of the Sierra Booster. Jan and I are long-time friends, as were our fathers. It will appear in the April 1 issue of the Booster, accompanied, she tells me, by this picture of Sierra Valley, taken from the top of what has been called Dump Hill...Hat Hill sounds better, in a future without the mine development.
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